Get crop insurance updates, information to help you navigate the claims process plus a market outlook and legislative update at the 2022 COUNTRY Agribusiness Seminars.
Ten sessions co-hosted by COUNTRY Financial and Illinois Farm Bureau will take place throughout January and February. Eight will be in-person at various locations and two will be offered virtually.
The program will include:
- Crop Insurance Update, including changes to federal crop insurance and new private products offered by COUNTRY, the #1 crop hail insurer in Illinois. (Doug Yoder, Crop Agency Manager for COUNTRY Financial)
- Crop Claims Update (COUNTRY Financial Crop Claims Representative)
- Market Outlook (Tim Tresslar, Grain Origination Manager for Growmark)
- Legislative Update (Illinois Farm Bureau)
- Opportunity for Audience Q&A with presenters
Find dates, locations and sign-up information at